Home Loan | Investment Planning

Financial Freedom: Navigating Home Loans and Investments in India | Premal Mehta

Financial Freedom: Navigating Home Loans and Investments in India Owning a home is a decision often driven by emotion rather than practical thought, and therein lies the rub. In today’s dynamic financial landscape, the decision to borrow or invest –  especially in the realm of home loans in India – requires careful consideration. With the […]

नियोजन | retirement planning | financial planning

आर्थिक गुंतवणुकीचे रहस्य | शेखर साठे | The secret of financial investment | Shekhar Sathe

आर्थिक गुंतवणुकीचे रहस्य कष्टाने कमावलेल्या पैशाचे नेमके नियोजन कसे करावे, हा प्रामुख्याने मध्यमवर्गीय नोकरदारांना भेडसावणारा एक मोठा प्रश्न आहे.  थोड्या कालावधीसाठी पैसे शेअर बाजारात गुंतवून दुप्पट करायच्या मोहाला अनेक जण बळी पडतात. यातून पदरचा पैसा उडून जातो आणि निराशा पदरात पडते. असे का होते हे समजून घेतले, तर पैशाचे नियोजन करणे सुलभ होईल आणि निराशा […]

Money | young women in investment | female invest | best investment for ladies | best investments for women | mutual fund for women | stocks for women

Let’s Talk About Money, Honey! | Trupti Rane

Let’s Talk About Money, Honey! Women must be more conscious of financial investments. Here is how you can start. Sonam is an ambitious, successful woman. For her, a working mom to a 5-year-old child, life was wonderful until it wasn’t! She lost her husband to COVID. She was shattered emotionally but was stranded because she […]